Helping mariners navigate the weather tools available to make cruising more enjoyable and safe.

I started cruising in 2018 and immediatly found that my weather skills were lacking. We crossed under the Golden Gate bridge into the Pacific Ocean expecting 10 to 15 knots of wind out of the north west and what we got was 20 to 25 knots out of the south. Of course we were heading south so that meant our first day on the ocean was spent bashing into 7 to 10 foot seas and at times making only 2 to 3 knots.

After about 6 months on the water and some very uncomfortable situations, I have learned some valuable lessons. I wish I had someone to show me the different weather models, the best electronics to recieve those models and how to interperet them.

Anchor WX provides these rescources in the format that should be the most helpful. We focus on the European model forecasts and make sure if we are coastal we are looking at the highest resolution available. In addition we always look at both the gust and wind forecasts so we know what to expect on average and on the upper end. We always want to check the sea state forecasts which include tides, current, wave height and wave period.

The data provided by forecasting services is mostly available for free and there are many applications that you can choose from to display that data. Remember that the data is the same but the way it is displayed varies from application to application. The communications hardware you use to recieve your data provides you with some choices as well. As time goes on we will provide you with recommedations for how to choose your tools.

These are some of the keys to making your passages comfortable and relaxing.

Don't forget the cruisers number one rule: never sail to a schedule. Always plan your passages according to the forecast that works for you and your boat.

Think of Anchor WX as your weather buddy boat!


Tom McPhail